Saturday, March 5, 2016

In house joke all work and no play...........

 HUSBAND: My dear, its like
the light in the toilet is now automatic!
WIFE: Wat happened?
HUSBAND: When I open the
door the light came on and after I urinated and
closed the door the light
went off!
WIFE:  Drunkard! Anu-ofia.. you have gone to urinate in the FRIDGE again!Joke 2# A man and his wife were in court to start their divorce proceeding. The problem in contention was who was going to keep the child. The man or the woman? The woman jumped up and said my Lord, I am the owner of the child, I brought her into this world, with so much pain and labour at birth. The judge then turned to man and gave him the chance to defend himself and the man said my lord mine is a question: when you insert your ATM card into the ATM machine and the money comes out does the money belong to you or the machine?

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