Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Foods That Affects Your Sexual Desire

 Some foods are sex drive killers, so if you or your husband find that you are rarely in the mood for sex then it’s time to check what you’re eating as it could be as a result of the foods you eat. Just like there are some foods containing aphrodisiacs which are meant to boost your sex drive, so also there are some foods with anaphrodisiac that’ll prevent you from wanting sex and when you finally have it, you might not enjoy it.

Here are some of those foods that can mess up our sexual desire and our levels of testosterone or oestrogen, causing it to fluctuate, and immediately the hormone are imbalanced, then the libido will be low;

1. Alcohol
Some men find that when they drink, they stay longer when having sex so they get in the habit of drinking before sex. The truth is, drinking alcohol excessively can make it difficult for the man to get an erection and keep it and for women, it can cause them to be dry making orgasm nearly impossible.

  2. Soft drinks

Soft drinks are a no, no because of their high sugar content so these days people opt for diet soft drinks but they are worse. Diet soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame which can affect your serotonin levels. And this can cause lower libido for men and even women.

3. Coffee
Starting your day with a cup of coffee or two is okay, but taking more than two to three cups of coffee a day is not good for your libido. Taking five to six cups of coffee daily can damage your adrenal glands causing your body to produce stress hormones. And when you’re stressed, being active in bed is hard4. Mint


whether it’s breath mint, peppermint tea or any sort of mint isn’t good for your sex life. The menthol in mint has an ingredient that has been found to lower testosterone levels.

5. Sugar
Sugar is in everything we take these days and too much of sugar in your system can increase your insulin levels, cause you to have belly fat, lose muscle mass and reduce your testosterone levels to drop. When men develop increased belly fat, it can increase their oestrogen levels, lowering their libido and causing erection problem.

6. Soya foods 
Soya contains phytoestrogen, consumption of soya foods such as cheese, soya milk, soya beans and everything else made from soya should be reduced to the minimum. Phytoestrogen can cause hormonal imbalance, making men and women perform poorly in bed.

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