Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quarreling in marriage

 For some weeks now i have being having a tight schedule, that is why i have not being able to write an article. please pardon me dear readers. Today am writing about quarreling in marriage.I will start by saying if any couple whether married or not say they don't quarrel  at one point or the other, then the person is a ''big liar''Even the couple that have celebrated there silver or golden jubilee will tell you that it is not an easy thing to keep a marriage going.This brings me to the question if is right or wrong for couples to quarrel, infact the answer is  “YES!” When a husband and wife quarrel, they are engaging in a perfectly normal and expected part of marriage. In fact, disagreement between two people in love is actually healthy for their relationship. To quarrel is NOT the question! The question is be, “Why do you quarrel and how frequent is your quarrel and how long does it take you guys to make up?. Infact a lady once told me that her best time for making love with her boy friend is after quarreling.Quarreling with your spouse will still make you to know more about him or her.
Why and often do you quarrel with your spouse?
if your in category of couples that quarrel regularly, i think you should find out those particular reasons why it is so.Learn how to fight fair and  make appropriate compromises will go a long way in keeping a relationship strong.

The truth is, compromise is part of what marriage is all about. Whether it is what to make for dinner, where to live or what color to paint the living room, the two of you have to make the decisions together that both of you can support after the decision is made. Sometimes arguments can actually – pardon the pun – get to the heart of the matter.

Quarreling and arguing are just as much a part of marriage as sex. It is a natural part of relating to another human being. When you quarrel with your spouse try not to use abusive words, this is for women most especially.Think about what you are going to say before it actually comes flowing out of your mouth so as to not to regret later,No names calling or ugly verbiage about your spouse.
Don’t let the argument degrade into a battle of personal insults. It doesn’t address the issues and can do lasting damage to your relationship. You can’t take back your words once it is said!Keep the argument logical and focused on the issues at hand.
Don’t wander off topic. Determine what the problem is, what issues need to be dealt with and what are the possible solutions. If you focus on determining which solution would work best, it keeps you moving towards an end result.

This is the most important part of this topic. Don’t hold grudges after the quarrel.
some couple after quarreling may not talk to each other for up to a week. It is not right because it may give the devil room to destroy your home.As soon as the issue has been resolved, forget it and move on. The worst thing you can do is to talk about old scars.No gloating if you were right and no reminding him or her constantly about how mad you still are. Couples with great marriages tell us that they have a short memory when it comes time to their past arguments. That is the way it should be.don't  go to bed mad at each other.
Settle your fight before you go to bed, no matter how long it takes. You can defer the ultimate decision on an issue until further discussion the next day, but you can’t go to bed mad at each other! This is a great way to fight fair. U should  have in mind that quarreling still makes couple stronger so, it is not a sin or wrong to quarrel with your spouse at one point or the other.

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