Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rebuilding trust issue in your relationship

 When you have reasons not to trust your partner, it is understandable because we are humans and people react differently to issues but remember,nothing screams “divorce happening soon” or “love going down the drain” than a lack of trust. your partner may have done something unimaginable that made you loss the trust you have for him or her.but there is a need to start fixing the trust issues and get back to the loving in your relationship.Some might be thinking how can i ever trust him or her again, after what he or she did.

In  every relationship or marriage there are these moments that happen that are "make or break" moments. We call these moments "choice points" and we're sure you've had many of these in your relationship so far. If you haven't,it wouldn't be still existing.
Choice points are these moments when you're faced with a decision and your relationship or life could take a completely different turn or path based on the decision you make in the moment.fix that trust issue in your relationship, u can do it. As long as you love yourselfs, u guys can still work things out.

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