In an exclusive chat with Saturday Beats, the actor poured out his heart, stating that he has always been the victim in the two marriages he has had.
Akiyesi said, “I am not married and I am
not prepared to get married again. Since my marriage broke down, I have
decided to be alone instead of investing my love in any woman who would
not appreciate me in the first place. If I have to get married at all, I
would marry a white woman or a black woman with a white heart because
they are the ones who appreciate love. I can no longer invest my love on
people who do not appreciate it and still rub it on my face.
“I am not going to say that none of the
women I was with appreciated me. Before we get into marriage, everything
is nice and smooth because we are pretending and making each other
believe what we are not. But when we get into marriage, then we see our
true colour. Marriage is like an investment; when you put your money
into a business, you would expect returns, and the returns of marriage
are peace and rest of mind. If you are going into a marriage that would
not guarantee you any of that, then it is better you do not venture into
the marriage at all. All the pictures people saw on Facebook about me
getting married were all location pictures.
“I have been into only two marriages
that crashed and they all followed the same pattern and I am not
prepared to go into that kind of pain any more. The only person that can
pressure me to remarry is myself because I am the one who has been down
that road before and I am the one preserving myself from going down
that line. If you see me go into any marriage, then it means that I have
fallen for my own pressure. No one can pressure me into getting married
again. I am not saying that getting married is bad, it is wonderful if
you get married to your best friend. Sometimes I feel very lonely and
have no one to console me when things are down for me, no one says well
done when things are going smoothly,” he said.
He told Saturday Beats that it was not
time for him to open up the can of worms that led to the failure of his
marriages. The actor was also quick to add that he loved and respected
African women but the few bad eggs have spoilt the good ones.
Akiyesi hinted that his last marriage almost made him lose his dignity.
“It is not that black women are bad but
to get married, one must be able to find a woman that would also be
willing to sacrifice love too. It is not a one-sided thing. Find someone
who is ready to love you the way you love them back. It is a beautiful
thing to get married to such people but when you are the one doing the
loving and the running around, then there is always a problem. The day
you are not able to provide, there would always be a bigger problem. My
fans should expect more of professionalism from me in my career; nobody
should expect marriage because I am very happy alone. My previous
marriage took a lot from me and it almost took away my dignity. I am not
bothered with house chores, besides I am not a lazy man.
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