Monday, January 25, 2016

Couple who met at the airport and fell inlove.Set to wed after 18 months

The will be husband and wife met and fell in love after the flight they were meant to board at the Toronto airport was delayed, 18 months later they have bought a house together and are set to wed in September.

In 2004, 26-yr-old Marketing executive Kristen was just through a bad breakup and was heading to Kenya to volunteer at an orphanage.
She met 33-yr-old engineering supervisor, Darren who was also waiting for the same flight and his buddy when she realised most people who had been grounded had disappeared too. She was scared she had missed her flight.
“Everyone else had been given meal vouchers and had gone to get food, ” she said.

Darren and his pal then asked her to sit with them while they got drinks and food, the pair spent the next few hours eating and talking.
When it was time to board the flight they found out there was an empty seat next to Darren, the flight was going to be a long one so she sat next to him.

“We decided I was meant to be sitting there. It was a red eye flight, everyone was sleeping but Darren and I just kept talking.
“We shared our life stories and exchanged details but I thought I’d never see him again," Kristen said.
The bride-to-be stayed in Kenya for almost a month exchanging messages with Darren everyday. She finally decided to return to Toronto but her flight was delayed in Heathrow.
She met Darren in London for dinner and drinks after she decided to stay in London for the weekend
“Seeing her ­disappear through the airport was the worst. I didn’t know when I’d see her again. That’s when I knew I loved her ,"  Darren talked about how hard their parting was.
Kristen also returned to Darren after getting payment for the 2014 delayed flight and successfully obtaining a UK visa helped by her mother's English heritage.
“It was all very fast but very ­natural. Everything just seemed right. I got a job and we bought a house together last October. Things have been fantastic ever since,” she said.

He popped the question in August 2015 a day before their one-year anniversary at a surprise picnic.
“Darren said it had been a crazy year and why not make it a little bit crazier,” Kristen said laughing.
“Everyone tells me they have never seen

"It has been a whirlwind and it’s only going to get more ­exciting from here on out.”
“Proposing to Kristen was one of the easiest decisions of my entire life."
"And I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, ” Darren said.
Am so happy, so I guess we’ve a lot to thank British Airways for. We’re marrying here in September.

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